Yeah, well.
I haven't been sleeping great because I have anxiety issues. Now here's the thing: When I work out regularly? The anxiety is a LOT better. Like, as in, it's almost not there. But since I've been a total sloth the last couple of weeks, OH HI ANXIETY. So I thought I'd be awesome and take half a xanax so that I could sleep.
Ohhhh buddy, did I sleep! In fact, I slept right through my alarm and slept right until almost 11:30. Wheee!
Now don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem with going to my gym in the afternoon. I just don't prefer to if I can help it. Especially right now with school being out and all the high school/college kids there. I like it in the morning better because I feel like I can get a better workout.
But, since that didn't happen, I headed to the grocery store for the week's groceries because I am determined not to eat out so much.
[Okay, confession time. When I woke up, my boyfriend brought me McDonald's, which I happily ate because if there's one thing good for breaking out of my xanax brain fog, it's a big dose of salt, sugar, fat and caffeine. But I didn't drink all my Coke. I really never do.]
Tonight's dinner is hobo packs! Let me just say right now that I mean no offense by the word HOBO. I got the idea for hobo packs from a friend of mine and then there was this big discussion about the word hobo being offensive. But considering some of the people we know are offended by air, this doesn't mean all that much to me. We did change the name to "transient feast," which is totally amusing to me because inappropriate things are always amusing to me. I'm just that much of a jerk. :)
So what's a hobo pack, you ask? It's a foil pack of deliciousness!! You can put just about anything in it but in general, it's some kind of meat and some veggies piled on top, sealed in some foil and thrown on the grill or baked in the oven. I LOVE THEM.
Tonight's packs contain turkey sausage, baby red potatoes, purple onion, red pepper, baby bella mushroom, and baby carrots. [I'm all about baby vegetables for some reason.] I seasoned it with Lawry's seasoning salt, black pepper, and about a teaspoon of Worcestershire sauce. [Thank you, spell check, because I can never spell Worcestershire.]
Oh, and I put a few slivers of garlic in it. I forgot about that. I folded up the packs and then put another layer of foil on them since I would be grilling them. In the oven, just one layer of foil was fine. Keep your grill on low-medium if you decide to do these on the grill. If you oven bake, set the oven to 350. I decided to pop them on the grill. The first time I ever made these, I did them with a hamburger patty and put them in the oven so I wanted to see if there would be much of a difference.
Now don't expect this to be a QUICK meal. It's not. It's an EASY meal. It's a DELICIOUS meal. But quick? Not so much. That is okay, though because if you're like me, you have other things to do while these cook. If you do them on the grill, I suggest letting them cook for 15 minutes, then flipping and cooking for another 15. What I did afterwards was turn off the grill and let them sit for another 15 because I was doing some other stuff. But your mileage may vary and depending what you put in the pack, you might not want it to cook that long. If you do them in the oven, it'll take about 45 minutes to an hour. While they were cooking, I put together a simple green salad and cooked some corn on the cob and put a band-aid on my thumb because I cut myself on foil. That's normal.
Okay, time to open the pack! Are you excited? [Humor me!]
When I made these before in the oven, everything was cooked and delicious, but it was more like they steamed. These look GRILLED. If you want, you can just make a bowl from your foil and eat it like that for totally easy clean up, but since I was having other stuff, too, I put them on our fancy fancy paper plates.
Does that not look delicious?
It's SUPER filling and if I were nice, I'd get a calorie count for you. It's approximately 500-600 calories for a pack, the corn is about 80 calories for a cob, a pat of butter is about 40 calories [please use real butter. Don't eat any of that margarine crap.], and salad is salad, you know? There's not all that many calories in lettuce and tomatoes. And of COURSE you don't have to eat any extra sides. I was just super hungry after all the shopping!
So, day one is down. I did walk for about 2 hours doing my shopping, and I was up and down for an hour while making dinner, so I guess at least there's that. Tomorrow IS a gym day, though!!
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