[Btw, never google "waking up with a headache." I'm a little convinced now that I have COPD and a brain tumor.]
I managed to sleep for a few more hours, then got up and had some caffeine and tylenol. It's gone now, but I feel kinda gross and sick. I've done nothingggg today but sit and watch YouTube videos.
Last night when I was alone, I thought, "Let's see what I'd look like if I vlogged." Yeahhhh. No. Normally I am okay with my face, but on the little video I shot last night, I looked like one of the Gorgs from Fraggle Rock.

So maybe vlogging will be out for a while.
I was going to make the chicken and white bean enchiladas from SkinnyTaste tonight for dinner, and I was going to blog all about them, but I don't much feel like cooking. I don't think we'll get fast food, but dinner will probably be whatever is in the fridge tonight and that's not as much fun to blog.
As a treat to myself, I got Divergent by Veronica Roth for my kindle. Some people have told me that I'll love it as I loved The Hunger Games, but I'm not sure about that given how much of a HG fan I am. We'll see!
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