I've had issues with insomnia since I was a kid. I also used to have sleepwalking issues, but thankfully I outgrew that before I got too big to handle. One time my sister caught me trying to get out of the house and when she asked me what I was doing, I said I was going to get the dog out of the box. Well then.
I can go a while without having too much insomnia, but when it does hit me, it's a mess. And unfortunately, that's been my life the past month or so. I WAS doing fine. In bed by 11, asleep by midnight, up by 8. It was all good.
But lately...not so much. If I'm asleep before 4am, it's a surprise to me. If I'm out of bed before 11, it's even more of a surprise. Since my schedule is pretty flexible [meaning: I don't actually have one], this isn't truly a huge deal. Except, you know, it is. When my sleep is all weird like that, I can't seem to make myself do much the rest of the day. I'm truly more of a night owl than anything else, but I do notice a huge change in my productivity levels when I sleep from midnight until 8 than when I sleep from 4 to 11.
Last night was pretty much the worst it's been, though. I tried! I took a melatonin, I got in bed by midnight, I really tried to sleep. But things keep making it impossible. My boyfriend was BLASTING some music in his office and it sounded like the symphony was right there in the bedroom. The cat patted my back just as I was dozing off, jerking me out sleep because I was pretty sure it was monsters. When I did finally fall asleep, somehow in my dream, Chevy Chase was yelling "IT'S THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER. THE OL' MISS. THE MIGHTY MISS-IS-SIP!" over and over until I woke up. For whatever reason, it scared me, which is stupid. I really like the movie Vacation.
So after tossing, turning, and watching the Footloose remake [Kenny Wormald, you will never be Kevin Bacon], I decided to get up. Took a Zegerid for the acid reflux I've been having again lately, waited an hour, took off my glitter nail polish disaster, waved a wet towel around the room trying to get rid of the smell before Don woke up and started complaining about nail polish remover, turned on my fan to high, scared the cat because seriously? Who waves a wet towel around at 6am? And then it was breakfast time.
I thought I'd just make a couple of eggs, but I discovered some extra zucchini that I had leftover from when I made the yakitori. So I diced one up, along with some mushroom, and decided to make a fritatta.
Also, I figured the smell of cooking zucchini and mushrooms might help the nail polish remover smell. I don't care about the smell myself, but someone has a delicate baby nose and he can't handle any smell that isn't cookies or tacos.
After I poured the egg into the vegetables, along with a little bit of diced ham and shredded cheese, I decided that I didn't feel like making a fritatta, which involves baking, and I'd just make an omelet. But well, then it just ended up being a scramble because you know what? I maybe got 3 hours of sleep and I don't care what society says about my eggs.
Do you like my extra fancy paper plate?
I popped all the ingredients into My Fitness Pal just out of curiosity and got this as a result:

Yes, I do try to always use real butter. I realize that it's higher in calories than a light margarine, but have you ever actually looked at the ingredients in those "light" spreads? There are 14 ingredients in Blue Bonnet light margarine to make it 50 calories a tablespoon. There are 2 ingredients in butter: cream and salt. Personally, I feel better about butter. I could have left out the ham and cheese, too, but I have read a lot of things that say it's okay to have a big breakfast to get your day started. Of course, there are probably as many things that say if you don't start your day with one strawberry and a cup of black coffee, you're doomed to a life of being superfat, but I tend not to believe those. Also, at my weight, my calorie goal for weight loss is almost 1900 calories a day. So for ME, this breakfast is awesome. For you, you might need to take it down a notch. Of course, if you work out, the calories in this will be probably be burned off in an hour.
Speaking of working out, I'm going to attempt the gym today. I'm thinking maybe if I really wear myself out today, I can sleep tonight. Here's hoping!
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