ANYWAY... In my few minutes of serenity this morning, I tried a new-to-me product on my hair. I have really long hair right now. When I let it go down my back, it's almost to my waist. It's getting a little dried and scraggly on the ends these days because I'm well overdue for a trim and no amount of conditioning product seems to help. As I was boppin' around the hair care aisle at Walmart on Monday, my eye fell on a little brown pack with a pretty gross sounding name.

I know, I know. PLACENTA?! But let me tell you guys this - If someone told me putting ostrich poop on my hair while dancing the hokey pokey would make my hair look nice, I'd do it.
[Btw, you can't tell me to do that now.]
I picked up little pack for 98 cents at Walmart. I figured if it didn't work, at least I wasn't out much money, unlike the time I spent $50 on Biolage stuff at the salon and it was all crap and gave me dandruff.
So the instructions say to wash and towel dry your hair, massage the conditioner into your hair, rinse and style as usual. I read a few reviews and most people said that what they do is wash their hair, put the conditioner on, and then put a plastic bag or shower cap on an let it soak in for 10+ minutes. I forgot to buy shower caps, so I went to the shower this morning armed with my pack of conditioner, a Walmart bag, and a hair clip.
Some people say they don't like the scent of this stuff, but I found it really pleasant. Kinda floral, kinda not, but it's pretty. I used the entire pack on my head but if you have short hair, one pack might last you 2 uses.
I gotta say... I like it! My hair is super soft and super shiny.
I will soooo totally buy this again.
When I was looking for the Hask website, I realized that they are also owned by the company that owns Jhirmack, and back in the early 80s, there was almost always a couple of bottles of Jhirmack shampoos and conditioners in our bathroom.
On my way home tonight, someone in a truck threw a beer can out of the window and it almost hit my car. Crazy people out there for the holiday already, so be careful if you go out! I don't think I'll leave the house until Friday!
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